Mountbatten Bereavement Support Helpline
New Bereavement Support Helpline from Mountbatten
Mountbatten Isle of Wight is opening a new Bereavement Support Helpline available to all those
across the Isle of Wight who have been bereaved.
Bereavement is a natural response following the death of a person you have loved or cared for. The
death of a friend or relative can be devastating and, at times, seem unbearable.
As part of the psychology and bereavement service provided by Mountbatten, trained and supported
volunteers will be offering a listening ear to those who are bereaved and anyone who feels they would
want to talk to someone. As well as listening the volunteers will be signposting individuals to other
services depending on the nature of the calls they receive.
Jane Hazeldine, Mountbatten’s Director of Psychosocial Care says: “Dealing with a
bereavement can be devastating. You may react by feeling angry, sad or guilty. It can affect your
memory, concentration, motivation, thoughts and beliefs. Sometimes it can help to talk to someone
who is independent and trained to listen to, and support you. I’m grateful to the volunteers who have
signed up to help provide this important listening service.”
The service will be available from Thursday 1 April 2021 between 10 am – midnight, seven
days a week on 01983-217297. The new Bereavement Support Helpline replaces the Keep
Connected Line set up at the start of the pandemic.
Sally List, Head of Volunteer Development at Mountbatten, comments: “Our Mountbatten Volunteers
have a wide range of life experiences including the death, dying and bereavement of friends and
family. They are able to empathise with others and bring their experience to bear on what can be a
challenging time. We have provided our volunteers with training in listening skills and they have the
information to be able to recommend where individuals should seek further support if required.”
Anyone interested in volunteering with the Bereavement Support Helpline can find out more by
telephoning Sally on 01983-217368 or visit
For further information or telephone Andy Hollebon on 07544-555839 or 01983-217339 or e-mail